"Someday my prince will come....."
As a little girl, we have all watched Disney princess movies like Cinderella, and we have dreamed about the day that our Prince Charming will come. In Cinderella, Prince Charming is tall, handsome, and a perfect gentleman. He treats Cinderella with gentleness and respect. In real life, this is exactly the type of man that we should wait for. God wants you to marry a man who respects you and who is gentle with you, physically and emotionally.
For those of you who don't know me, I am 20 years old, and I am engaged to my Prince Charming. His name is David, and he respects me and is so gentle with me. Unfortunately, the guys who I tried to give my heart to before David were not the same way. I made a big mistake before I met David. I made the mistake of trying to give my heart away to guys who were not meant to be my husband.... to guys who did not act the way I knew my Prince Charming should act. Before David, I dated 3 different guys. Each guy I dated, I dated them with the intention of eventually marrying them. I have always taken dating very seriously. I don't treat it as a game. I just didn't have very good judgement when trying to choose my "potential husband". I had my first boyfriend when I was 15. I didn't think so at the time, but I was way too young for a boyfriend. I was not mature enough to handle being in a relationship. I thought I was, but looking back at myself at 15, I realize how much I was NOT ready to be in a relationship. I thought I was in love, and I jumped into a relationship with this guy without giving myself enough time to really get to know him before trying to give him my heart. He started treating me poorly a few months into our relationship. He was very harsh to me with his words. He said unkind things to belittle me. He hurt me, broke my heart, then broke up with me.
For months, I cried over him. It was my first broken heart, and my heart had never hurt so much in my life. A little piece of my heart had been given to a man that was not meant to be my husband. I spent no time askingGod whether or not He wanted me with this guy before I pursued a relationship with him, and I so regretted making that mistake. You would think that I would learn from my mistake, but unfortunately, I didn't.
Almost 3 years later, I allowed myself to fall, yet again, for a guy that I didn't know much about. Once again, I made the mistake of not praying about us getting into a relationship before I said "yes" to his question: Will you be my girlfriend? A month and a half into our relationship, I found out that things he believed about the Bible didn't line up to what the Bible really taught. I was heartbroken knowing this because I knew that I could not be with him when he did not believe the truth about God's Word. So, I tried to show him the truth using scripture, and he still denied the truth. I knew then what God wanted me to do even though I knew it would break this guy's heart. I loved God way more than I loved him, and I knew what I needed to do. A few days later, I let him know that we could no longer be together. Was I heartbroken? Of course. Did I know, though, that I was doing what was right? Absolutely. My heartbreak, once again, was my fault. If I would have only prayed before pursuing a relationship with him and talking to him more about God and our beliefs, I would have saved myself and him so much heartbreak.
So, I made the mistake of not praying before getting into a relationship, not once but TWICE, so surely I must have learned my lesson to not do it a third time, right? Wrong. Writing this out, I realize how stupid I am making myself sound, but I am being open about this so you girls don't make the same mistakes I once made.
As with the first two relationships, I rushed into a relationship quickly with my third boyfriend without praying about it and things just went from bad to worse. I had convinced myself that I this was the guy that God was going to have me marry. I mean, I was 19 at the time, and my whole life I had planned on being married at 18, so God just let me meet my future husband just a little later than I thought I would have growing up. As I said, things went from bad to horrible, and I quickly realized how wrong I was. God did not want me to marry this man. I became sure of that quickly. This guy did not respect me, he spoke to me unkindly, and he was definitely not Prince Charming. I knew that for sure.
My heart was broken. I gave up on "looking for love", and I decided that it was time to give everything to God which I should have done from the beginning. And what do you know? I met David two weeks later. David and I did not rush into a relationship like me and those three other guys did. David and I took alot of time before pursuing a relationship with eachother to pray and seek God's will. We prayed and prayed and prayed asking God if it was His will for us to be together, and He confirmed over and over again that we were meant to be together. I knew from the start that David was different. He talked different than the other guys I dated. He looked at me different than the other guys, and he definitely talked to me and treated me differently that the other guys. He made me feel like a princess. He made me feel loved, and even though I didn't tell him yet, I knew a week after I met him that he was The One. Not because of just some crazy feelings that I had, but because I knew God was telling me that He was the man that I was going to marry. I have been together with him now for almost 16 months, and I fall in love with him more and more with each day that passes. He has always made an effort to pray with me daily and read the Bible with me. Something that none of those other three guys ever made an effort to do with me.
Girls, wait on God. Please. Don't rush things with any guy. As you can tell from my testimony, bad things happen when you rush into things without praying for God to reveal His will to you. I hope that you take what I have said to heart. I hope my story will inspire you to wait on the man that God has waiting for you. I pray that you will save yourself from heartbreak and save your heart for the man that will someday be your husband. Believe me, your Prince Charming will be more than worth it.