Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You're Never Too Young!

Many girls may read and learn about modesty and purity, and think to themselves "Oh I'm only 12, I don't have to worry about this yet." Or, "I'm only 13. I have a while before I need to think about this kind of stuff." Well, as a 13 year old, I can definitely say you are never too young to live a life of purity! Especially when it comes to modesty. As girls, no matter what age, we should be watching how we dress. We are daughters of the King of Kings! Shouldn't we dress like it too? As followers of Christ, we are called to live a life separate from this world. We should be set-apart in not only our actions and words, but also by the way we carry ourselves. And you know what? God never set an "age limit" on when we should start glorifying Him. We should forever and always, honor Christ.

On our "Books We Recommend" page (above) we listed a book titled Pure. This is actually a 90 day devotional for girls. My mom recently got it for me, and so far, I love it! This morning, I read a devo on modesty. Rebecca St. James (author of Pure) talked about setting boundaries for ourselves. Here is some of what she wrote-

I feel that we women have a responsibility not to tempt our brothers in Christ. We really need to help them out in the lust department. We need to be careful and wise in the clothes choices we make. I have set certain boundaries for myself in the way I dress. It can be a real challenge at times to find things that are modern and funky and "today" but still have an element of modesty. I try to take advantage of the unique locations I get to visit. Europe has great clothes- and I love to shop there. "How far is too far?" If our goal is to honor God with our bodies, then we will draw the line and ask God for the strength not to cross it. 

Rebecca wrote much more on that topic, but for now, I will end it there. I love how she says "I feel that we women have a responsibility not to tempt our brothers in Christ. We really need to help them out in the lust department." Because it's so true! We can't change the way guys think. It's just natural for them to see something and think one thing. When they lust, they are sinning. So, yes, that part is their fault. But who is causing them to lust? Us! When we wear short-shorts, low cut shirts, or even skin tight clothing, we can cause a man to lust- which is a sin. Matthew 5:28 says, "But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”- Luke 17:1-4 

So basically, God is not cool when we cause others to sin. Plus, we should be reserving our body (and hearts!) for our future spouse. Which means for now, NO MATTER HOW YOUNG OR OLD you are, you should be living a life of modesty and purity. It's never too early to start when it comes to these two things, girls!



Friday, February 22, 2013

Waiting on Prince Charming

"Someday my prince will come....."

As a little girl, we have all watched Disney princess movies like Cinderella, and we have dreamed about the day that our Prince Charming will come. In Cinderella, Prince Charming is tall, handsome, and a perfect gentleman. He treats Cinderella with gentleness and respect. In real life, this is exactly the type of man that we should wait for. God wants you to marry a man who respects you and who is gentle with you, physically and emotionally.

For those of you who don't know me, I am 20 years old, and I am engaged to my Prince Charming. His name is David, and he respects me and is so gentle with me. Unfortunately, the guys who I tried to give my heart to before David were not the same way. I made a big mistake before I met David. I made the mistake of trying to give my heart away to guys who were not meant to be my husband.... to guys who did not act the way I knew my Prince Charming should act. Before David, I dated 3 different guys. Each guy I dated, I dated them with the intention of eventually marrying them. I have always taken dating very seriously. I don't treat it as a game. I just didn't have very good judgement when trying to choose my "potential husband". I had my first boyfriend when I was 15. I didn't think so at the time, but I was way too young for a boyfriend. I was not mature enough to handle being in a relationship. I thought I was, but looking back at myself at 15, I realize how much I was NOT ready to be in a relationship. I thought I was in love, and I jumped into a relationship with this guy without giving myself enough time to really get to know him before trying to give him my heart. He started treating me poorly a few months into our relationship. He was very harsh to me with his words. He said unkind things to belittle me. He hurt me, broke my heart, then broke up with me.

For months, I cried over him. It was my first broken heart, and my heart had never hurt so much in my life. A little piece of my heart had been given to a man that was not meant to be my husband. I spent no time askingGod whether or not He wanted me with this guy before I pursued a relationship with him, and I so regretted making that mistake. You would think that I would learn from my mistake, but unfortunately, I didn't.

Almost 3 years later, I allowed myself to fall, yet again, for a guy that I didn't know much about. Once again, I made the mistake of not praying about us getting into a relationship before I said "yes" to his question: Will you be my girlfriend? A month and a half into our relationship, I found out that things he believed about the Bible didn't line up to what the Bible really taught. I was heartbroken knowing this because I knew that I could not be with him when he did not believe the truth about God's Word. So, I tried to show him the truth using scripture, and he still denied the truth. I knew then what God wanted me to do even though I knew it would break this guy's heart. I loved God way more than I loved him, and I knew what I needed to do. A few days later, I let him know that we could no longer be together. Was I heartbroken? Of course. Did I know, though, that I was doing what was right? Absolutely. My heartbreak, once again, was my fault. If I would have only prayed before pursuing a relationship with him and talking to him more about God and our beliefs, I would have saved myself and him so much heartbreak.

So, I made the mistake of not praying before getting into a relationship, not once but TWICE, so surely I must have learned my lesson to not do it a third time, right? Wrong. Writing this out, I realize how stupid I am making myself sound, but I am being open about this so you girls don't make the same mistakes I once made.

As with the first two relationships, I rushed into a relationship quickly with my third boyfriend without praying about it and things just went from bad to worse. I had convinced myself that I this was the guy that God was going to have me marry. I mean, I was 19 at the time, and my whole life I had planned on being married at 18, so God just let me meet my future husband just a little later than I thought I would have growing up. As I said, things went from bad to horrible, and I quickly realized how wrong I was. God did not want me to marry this man. I became sure of that quickly. This guy did not respect me, he spoke to me unkindly, and he was definitely not Prince Charming. I knew that for sure.

My heart was broken. I gave up on "looking for love", and I decided that it was time to give everything to God which I should have done from the beginning. And what do you know? I met David two weeks later. David and I did not rush into a relationship like me and those three other guys did. David and I took alot of time before pursuing a relationship with eachother to pray and seek God's will. We prayed and prayed and prayed asking God if it was His will for us to be together, and He confirmed over and over again that we were meant to be together. I knew from the start that David was different. He talked different than the other guys I dated. He looked at me different than the other guys, and he definitely talked to me and treated me differently that the other guys. He made me feel like a princess. He made me feel loved, and even though I didn't tell him yet, I knew a week after I met him that he was The One. Not because of just some crazy feelings that I had, but because I knew God was telling me that He was the man that I was going to marry. I have been together with him now for almost 16 months, and I fall in love with him more and more with each day that passes. He has always made an effort to pray with me daily and read the Bible with me. Something that none of those other three guys ever made an effort to do with me.

Girls, wait on God. Please. Don't rush things with any guy. As you can tell from my testimony, bad things happen when you rush into things without praying for God to reveal His will to you. I hope that you take what I have said to heart. I hope my story will inspire you to wait on the man that God has waiting for you. I pray that you will save yourself from heartbreak and save your heart for the man that will someday be your husband. Believe me, your Prince Charming will be more than worth it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Modest Is Hottest: Prom Style

This post is wrote specially for the junior and senior high school girls!   I'm here to tell you all about something I bet you thought didn't even exist!  And that would be......


Yeah!  You read correctly my dear.  I've even brought you some samples to show you!  

Now some of you may be thinking "Why in the world would I want to look modest on prom night? No one would even notice me?  None of the guys would even know I exist.."   My dear sweet friend, I have news for you.  If the guy you find noticed you for only those reasons and wants you for mainly that then he isn't one you should be hangin' around.  A real man of God will notice you for your respect for God and your brothers in Christ for wearing modest clothing, and he will love you for that. 

If you still aren't understanding the whole purpose of modesty please read Alyssa's post "Why is Modesty Important?"  Then you can come back and read the rest of the post! :) 

Now for the fun part!  Yes!  We're getting to the dresses!  And I know you're all probably on the edge of your seats.  Thinking I'm going to show you some hideous dress with a turtle neck and a floral vest pattern.  Ha ha ha..no.  Seriously.  These are gorgeous!  I'd wear any of them to prom!  And I'm big into fashion! ;) 

Here is a gorgeous royal blue dress with a pretty crystal belt.  I'm not sure about you, but I'm lovin' it! 

Girls love this one!

I actually surprised myself when I liked this one.  I love the pink and the beautiful detail. I think it's pretty cute! ;)


This next dress couldn't possibly get any sweeter looking!  It's a pretty dark blush pink, or light peach color.  Needless to say, I'd wear it.  Ha ha!

Super cute

This I'm sure will probably be a favorite for all those tight fitted loving girls!  This pretty pastel yellow colored dress is modest but still "hot" I would say.

Nightmoves Modest Prom ball gown dress from Serendipity


This is for all the sparkle and bling loving girls! This pretty blue dress is modern and modest all in one!  It's a win win!
Turquoise Sequin & Tulle Drop Waist Lace Up Modest Prom Gown - Unique Vintage - Cocktail, Pinup, Holiday & Prom Dresses.

This is probably one of my favorites that I found! It's so formal and stunning! And still modest!
Night Moves Modest Prom - 6806M

I was never a fan of too many colors all being crammed up in one dress but I have to admit, I liked this one a lot!  I think it's modesty makes it look more attractive. :)
Colorful Formal


This one is very pretty and any girl who likes black and pink will love this! I also am I big fan of the way it fits.  It's beautiful overall.
AH! This is the dress I wanted last year!

This one is also a tight fitted. It's a gorgeous chocolate brown color. And I think most of you will like the bow on it.  Bows are a big thing right now it seems.
Prom dress - by A Dressy Occasion

Now onto the short modest dresses!  Glad you stayed to see this part. :) 

I'm in love with the pretty white with a dash of pink on this dress! And if you like "short" dresses this is the perfect length for a prom I think.  It's not showing off too much skin but it's still so modern. 
Bella Modest Prom Dresses Style - TP5539

This dress screams prom to me!  And it's still carrying our modest look.
Night Moves 2012 Modest Prom Dress 6578M

This is one of my favorite in the short prom dress category!  I love the color, the fit and the style. I would totally wear this. 
Modest Prom Dresses Suitable Fit You

This is beauty and modesty at it's fullest!  And I adore this dress! Any young woman would look stunning in this! 
Beauty doesn't have to show shoulders and cleavage.  Love it!

And last but in no way least, this breath taking purple short dress!  Beautiful beautiful! 
Graceful Short Modest Prom Dress(6578)

Okay ladies! I hope this was somewhat helpful to you.  Please please share this with your friends! You don't have to take this journey of modesty alone!  Get together with some youth group friends or school girls and talk about how you feel God wants you to be modest.   Then pray together about it.  And then go on your prom dress shopping spree!  It won't be easy, but God never promised us life would be.   He said ALL thing are possible through HIM."But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  - Matthew 19:26

Now I hope you all leave a comment or tell us what you think below.  If you have any questions please email me @ Kate2Blue@gmail.com I'd be happy to answer any of them or talk with you!  Even send me your prayer requests.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Beautiful Creation

There are many different kinds of women, teenage and preteen girls out there.  And by different I mean no two people are exactly alike!  We all have our own special little features, our funny sides, our smiles are all unique.  Things like that.  Just because our outer features are different and our personalities doesn't mean that we don't have many things alike and in common too.  Everyone has those friends or best friend that are almost exactly like you!  I have that special bond with one of my sisters in Christ, Alyssa.   Our hearts and desires are so much alike, we even look a little bit alike.  We've ended up calling each other "twin".     One thing I believe that almost every woman or girl has felt before is being unattractive.  Or as the world calls it "ugly".

There are too many girls and women in our world today lacking self-confidence because they feel as if they'll never live up to our worlds expectations of the word "beautiful".   You can barely go anywhere with out seeing those pretty models and actresses on magazine covers, on TV screens and posters. And everyone of them have little "tips" inside for making YOU a more beautiful person!  Am I right?   
I have to admit, I many times feel that I look ugly.  And fear that I don't fit in with other girls and young women my age.  I sometimes feel as if there is something wrong with me.  And I'll tell myself "Oh if I just had a prettier skin color, I'd be gorgeous." or "If only I had thinner hair, that was more shimmering"  and "If only I were like 20 pounds lighter.." .   Yes. I am guilty of feeling those thoughts.  It's not hard to do, and I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about.   

I learned at a young age of 14 or so, something that I want to teach other girls and women everywhere right now!  Something that they can think back on and stop themselves every time they begin to question how they look naturally or why God made the features they dislike most.  

When you are working on a project such as sewing, baking or something crafty, maybe even photography, do you add things you dislike on those cake decorations or stitch a random piece on your blanket your sewing or put your finger in front of the camera lens to mess up the master piece?   Of course not!  You want that piece of yours to be as beautiful and flawless as possible! You want people to look at it, admire it and love it!   

Well little did you know that you are God's master piece!  Yes! You!  Girl or boy, you are God's beautiful creation.  And when He made you He added nothing that didn't make Him proud.  He added every feature on you!  He knew what looked best for you.  And unlike us, God makes NO MISTAKES.  
So don't worry about thinking something crazy like you were a mess up.  Because mess ups don't exist for God.  You were created by a perfect Heavenly Father!  A King! He took time to design every little thing about you and he didn't like it, he LOVED it!  And He still does!  Even know that you're in middle school, high school, college or at home being a stay home mother.  He see's the true beauty inside of you that sometimes you can't even see. He knew how you would look when you grew up, He knows everything.  And He still thought it was good.   
That doesn't mean everyone else in the world is going to think the same thought.  Unfortunately people will try to beat you down, call you names.  They'll pick on you, make fun but that's when you need to remember, you weren't made to please the world, you were made to please God

With that being said, always know that you are beautiful!  God made you and loves you!  

Smile! It's the prettiest make up you could wear! :) 

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them" Genesis 1:27 


Why Is Modesty Important?

Modesty.  It can be such a confusing topic.  The typical view of modesty, is skirts to the floor, long sleeves, and long braided hair.  Now there is nothing wrong with that at all!  But I think we have the wrong image.  Modesty isn’t making sure every inch of your body is covered.  Modesty is dressing according to God’s word.  It is dressing in a way that you’re not causing your brothers in Christ to sin, and fall into temptation.    There are a few videos out online that you can watch.  They are filled with guy’s thoughts on the topic of modesty.   Because it honestly does stand out to guys that us girls would take just a little more time in the morning to make sure that we aren’t distracting them.

The videos (Which I will link at the end of this post.) are something that I think every girl should watch.  I know that before I watched them I thought to myself that ‘Guys, don’t really care or notice.’ This isn’t the case at all.  It is a constant day to day, minute to minute battle for them.  When we walk around in short shorts, or low cut shirts.  It takes everything they have not to flow your thighs, and wonder what is under your shorts.  Or to follow the low cut top, and wonder what is underneath.  Now this isn’t anything against guys, it’s just how they have been made.   Since us girls already know that it’s a struggle for them, seeing as not every girl is going to take their struggle into consideration.   We should be willing to dress accordingly to God’s word.

Now you are probably wondering what God’s word has to say about modesty, and temptation, and tempting your brothers in Christ.  In Matthew 18:6 it says “but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”  Now that verse says a lot about causing one of God’s children to sin.   I mean that verse states that it would be better for you to drown in the ocean, then to cause one of His children to sin.     

Matthew 5:27-30 “You have heard that it was said, `Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.  And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.”    

When we dress immodestly it can cause a guy to look at us in a lust full manner, and cause him to sin.  We see above in Matthew 18:6 that causing a child of God to sin is not something to be taken lightly.   I listened to a sermon recently that said the reason God is a loving God is because He tells us that we will be held accountable, and it will be considered adultery if someone even has lustful thoughts.  Because He doesn’t want us to get to the point of committing adultery.  
The Bible states that we are imitators of Christ.  We need to dress in a way that shows our love and dedication to serving Christ.  We can’t claim we love God and serve Him, if we blend in with the world around us.  We were born to STAND OUT!

Colossians 3:5-10 “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.  Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.  You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived.  But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.  Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
We can’t be an image of God, if we strive to fit in with the world.  Dressing modestly is NOT easy.  But It’s worth it.   It takes true courage to go against the ways of the world, and be set apart, in modesty, purity, and our faith. 

Guys are visual.  Their minds fill in the blanks; they don’t even have to try.  Because their mind automatically knows what should be where.  So although your pants/shorts are covering your rear, and although your shirt is covering your chest, their minds follow the lines of your legs, or the lines of your shirt.  They can’t help it because it is just how their minds work.   So let’s not make it any harder for them.   Proverbs 24:12 says “Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and holds us responsible to act.“   Now that we know the struggle young men, and men in general go through; we are held accountable to take action.  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Introducing 'More Than This'

‘More Than This’ is a blog that was created for the sole purpose of encouraging young girls to strive to live each and every day in purity.   Kaitlyn, Genesis, Ashley and I (Alyssa) all believe that “hiding your love away” is a very important thing to do.  Seeing as God already has the one ‘perfect’ person out there for us.  We also all have hearts that believe purity and modesty are very important.   We know that there are very few resources now days that support, and encourage young women to live in the image of Purity.

Us four girls have felt God calling us to reach out in some way to young women, and support and encourage them.  To show them that saving their hearts, living in purity, and dressing modestly won’t be easy, but it is possible!   We are going to be making posts about, how modesty can be fashionable, The reasons why modesty is important, Why Purity is important, and things to learn and do while waiting patiently (Haha ;)) for the one man God has made specifically for you. J  So we hope you will stick around, and share us with your friends!  Leave a comment and let us know what you think of the blog!