This post is wrote specially for the junior and senior high school girls! I'm here to tell you all about something I bet you thought didn't even exist! And that would be......
Yeah! You read correctly my dear. I've even brought you some samples to show you!
Now some of you may be thinking "Why in the world would I want to look modest on prom night? No one would even notice me? None of the guys would even know I exist.." My dear sweet friend, I have news for you. If the guy you find noticed you for only those reasons and wants you for mainly that then he isn't one you should be hangin' around. A real man of God will notice you for your respect for God and your brothers in Christ for wearing modest clothing, and he will love you for that.
If you still aren't understanding the whole purpose of modesty please read Alyssa's post "
Why is Modesty Important?" Then you can come back and read the rest of the post! :)
Now for the fun part! Yes! We're getting to the dresses! And I know you're all probably on the edge of your seats. Thinking I'm going to show you some hideous dress with a turtle neck and a floral vest pattern. Ha ha Seriously. These are gorgeous! I'd wear any of them to prom! And I'm big into fashion! ;)
Here is a gorgeous royal blue dress with a pretty crystal belt. I'm not sure about you, but I'm lovin' it!
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I actually surprised myself when I liked this one. I love the pink and the beautiful detail. I think it's pretty cute! ;)
This next dress couldn't possibly get any sweeter looking! It's a pretty dark blush pink, or light peach color. Needless to say, I'd wear it. Ha ha!

This I'm sure will probably be a favorite for all those tight fitted loving girls! This pretty pastel yellow colored dress is modest but still "hot" I would say.
This is for all the sparkle and bling loving girls! This pretty blue dress is modern and modest all in one! It's a win win!
This is probably one of my favorites that I found! It's so formal and stunning! And still modest!
I was never a fan of too many colors all being crammed up in one dress but I have to admit, I liked this one a lot! I think it's modesty makes it look more attractive. :)
This one is very pretty and any girl who likes black and pink will love this! I also am I big fan of the way it fits. It's beautiful overall.

This one is also a tight fitted. It's a gorgeous chocolate brown color. And I think most of you will like the bow on it. Bows are a big thing right now it seems.
Now onto the short modest dresses! Glad you stayed to see this part. :)
I'm in love with the pretty white with a dash of pink on this dress! And if you like "short" dresses this is the perfect length for a prom I think. It's not showing off too much skin but it's still so modern.
This dress screams prom to me! And it's still carrying our modest look.

This is one of my favorite in the short prom dress category! I love the color, the fit and the style. I would totally wear this.
This is beauty and modesty at it's fullest! And I adore this dress! Any young woman would look stunning in this!
And last but in no way least, this breath taking purple short dress! Beautiful beautiful!

Okay ladies! I hope this was somewhat helpful to you. Please please share this with your friends! You don't have to take this journey of modesty alone! Get together with some youth group friends or school girls and talk about how you feel God wants you to be modest. Then pray together about it. And then go on your prom dress shopping spree! It won't be easy, but God never promised us life would be. He said ALL thing are possible through HIM."But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” - Matthew 19:26
Now I hope you all leave a comment or tell us what you think below. If you have any questions please email me @ I'd be happy to answer any of them or talk with you! Even send me your prayer requests.
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